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Diesel Generator Fuel Polishng

Diesel engines don't last forever, but they last a lot longer when they burn good quality fuel. Diesel left in tanks can become contaminated with water, leading to the potential growth of organic matter. If your fuel is left in your tank for long periods as a standby set, fuel polishing could be the answer. Using a special machine to filter the fuel, we can get your fuel back up to standard!

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Fuel Polishing on a diesel generator
Fuel Polishing

Fuel polishing begins by connecting a fuel polishing rig to the diesel tank. The machine sucks the fuel from the tank and pumps it through a series of filters to remove water and other contamination. The process can take from an hour to a few days depending on the size of the tank and the contamination levels.

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Diesel Generator Electrical Switchgear
Water In Diesel Fuel

Depending on the amount of water in the fuel, the effects can vary from damage to the fuel pump and injectors to much more serious damage in the main block as water does not compress in an engine cylinder. The engine may not start, or start and fail later. Any water should be removed from your diesel fuel.

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Diesel Bug
Diesel Bug

Diesel bug is a single microorganism or a group of microorganisms that grow on fuels, especially those contaminated by water. It includes bacteria, filamentous moulds and yeasts. Feeding on the hydrocarbons in the fuel they create biomass, biofilms and damaging by-products.

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Diesel generator acoustic housing container
Tank Replacement

Diesel tanks often need replacement. They can need replacement due to age, damage or enviromental conditions. Our team know the UK OFTEC regulations and we can advise you as to the suitability of your current tank and potential replacements. We can install and connect them up.

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