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Regency Generators Knowledge Base

RSC-HMU Commissioner Page

After performing the steps in Accessing the RSC-HMU Controller Via Web Interfaces, you can access the Commissioner Page at the link below which allows the user to change some settings and configuration on the controller. The window will appear as below. It takes around 15 seconds for the values to populate from the controller.

Once the data has been populated, the window will change. The site name will appear and some of the boxes will be checked.


The page has been designed with check boxes for fit/no fit. A ticked box indicates it is fitted, an unchecked box indicates it is not fitted. Some options for the PMG, CFFB and Controller temperature cannot be changed. Choose the settings required and click save in the bottom corner.

For any new controllers which may need configured, ensure the correct engine is selected as the throttle mapping is slightly different between 1.1L and 1.5L engines and also that the correct oil pressure sensor is fitted. Murphy’s sensors were used in recent years, selecting the wrong sensor will result in no pressure being read and the engine will shutdown due to a perceived lack of oil pressure.


Below is the default settings recommended for the EE units:




Radiator Level Low

No fit

Removed at Brush’s request

Fuel Leak

No fit

Removed at Brush’s request

Cabinet Door

No fit

Removed at Brush’s request

Fuel Door

No fit

Removed at Brush’s request

NOC Relay RE4


External relay for Ericsson remote monitoring

NOC Relay External

No fit


NOC Relay Running

No fit


NOC Relay Fuel Low+


External relay for Ericsson remote monitoring

NOC Relay Door Open

No fit


Engine Kill Switch



Hardware Version

DC Prime Power

Controllis developed PMG





Engine Block Temp


Default sensor

Engine Oil Temp


Default sensor

Cabinet Air Temp


Default sensor

PMG Diode Temp


Default sensor built into PMG

Battery Pack Temp


Can be used with LG Chem units to display battery rack temp

Filter Temp


Default sensor built into CFFB

Controller Board Temp


Sensor built into controller

Oil Filter Pressure In

No fit

Not required with Murphy’s sensor

Oil Filter Pressure Out


Output from Murphy’s sensor

Fuel Level


Output from Fozmula fuel sensor

Battery Charge Current


Mark as fit for LG Chem if specific battery charge current desired

Oil Level


Oil thermocouple fitted to EE units

Air Filter Diff Pressure

No fit

Historical sensor from older models

Fuel Filter Diff Pressure

No fit

Historical sensor from older models


Article: 507, Version: 2