All About the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE Engine
What is the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine?
The Volvo Penta TAD1355GE is a 6 cylinder, 12.8 litre diesel engine. The engine can be ran at either 50 or 60 Hz making it a versatile choice. The reliable engine has a low fuel consumption due to a high tech fuel injection system which reduces the internal losses in the system.
Where is the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine currently manufactured?
The Volvo Penta TAD1355GE is currently produced in Skovde, Sweden.
Need a generator? Our UK made diesel generators include this diesel engine.
What is the displacement of the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine?
The total displacement of the TAD1355GE is 12.78 litres. The capacity of the oil system is 36 litres and the capacity of coolant in the engine and radiator is 44 litres.
The generator efficiency of the diesel engine is 93%.
What is the power output of the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine?
At 50 Hz/1500 RPM the prime power output of the engine is 413 kVA and the standby power output is 453 kVA.
At 60 Hz/1800 RPM the prime power output of the engine is 400 kVA and the standby power output is 437 kVA.
What power rating does the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine run at?
The Volvo Penta TAD1355GE can be ran at either the Prime or Standby Power ratings making the engine a versatile choice in the power industry.
What are the dimensions of the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine?
The dry weight of the diesel engine is 1295 kg and the dimensions of the diesel engine are 2204 x 1106 x 1391 mm.
Coupling this diesel engine with an alternator will make a powerful and efficient diesel engine which can be used to produce power for a variety of different industries.
What customer support is offered with the Volvo Penta TAD1355GE diesel engine?
The TAD1355GE is covered by the Volvo Penta Action Service which provides ongoing support for your diesel engine. The support network have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are on hand 24/7 to provide support. They can also connect you with your local Volvo Penta dealer who can further assist you.
The specification sheet for the TAD1355GE can be found here.