Trouble shooting the Fuel Level Sender to he RSC-HMU Controller
If After carefully reviewing Trouble shooting the Fuel Level Sender to he RSC-HMU Controller there is found there an error in the fuel reading, the sensor calibration can be adjusted. For this you will need the recommended items for working on the RSC-HMU Controller.
If you have an issue where the reading on the primary fails to match the secondary, you should read Fuel Level On Primary Fails to Match Level On Secondary.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This article shows you how to edit a setting in the system database. If you change or edit a setting that you don't understand, the controller may not work, work incorrectly, or fail.
You MUST TAKE A COPY of the file named "deployment.sqlite3" before editing it to ensure you can restore it if you have an issue. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to restor the modules configuration.
- Remove the SD Card from the bottom of the RSC-HMU controller.
- Insert into the SD Card reader on your PC or external device
- Run RazorSQL
- Open the deployment.sqlite3 file from the SD Card in RazorSQL
- Expand the Tables Section
- Right Click on Controller Calibration and then select "Edit".
- Scroll to find the two values for FuelMinAdc and FuelMaxAdc
These represent the minimum and maximum values of LSB's for the fuel sensor. Below the minimum value the tank will be considered empty, and above the maximum value it will be considered full. For the normal LSB values see the Trouble shooting the Fuel Level Sender to he RSC-HMU Controller).
The range of the sensor will therefore be reduced and the minimum and maximum levels can be changed. For example, if the FuelMinAdc is set to 300 and the FuelMaxAdc is set to 800, 1.5V (Approx 300) will be tank empty and 4V (Approx 800) will be tank full. Half full will be half way between these values (approx 2.75V).
After putting the values here, click the save button (the disc icon) and put the SD card back into the controller. Restart the controller for the changes to take effect. if you are not getting the answer you expect, revisit the Trouble shooting the Fuel Level Sender to he RSC-HMU Controller article.